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Terms & Conditions

ROK Electrics Ltd Terms and Conditions of business are as follows. Agreeing to any work being carried out of any type is an acceptance of these terms and conditions. We have put these in place to protect our customers and ourselves from any misunderstandings and to outline what we do and do not do in the course of carrying out our services.

ROK Electrics Limited Terms and Conditions of Trade

  1. Instructions to Carry Out Work

An instruction to carry out work, whether written or verbal, shall be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions unless the work is the subject of another written contract, the terms of which supersede these.

  2. Definition and Basis of Pricing

a) An estimate is an approximate price, calculated with reasonable care from available information, which may be given as a range or percentage variation. It constitutes an offer to do the work within the price range. This will be used where an exact price is not required or is impossible to give due to lack of information.

b) A quotation is an offer to do the work specified at the price quoted. Once either a quotation or an estimate is accepted by the client, it is to be taken as a contract between ROK Electrics Ltd and the client.

c) Schedule of Work: An estimate or quotation will be costed on the schedule of work prepared from information supplied by the client. This schedule is the basis of the contract, and clients are advised to check the schedule carefully to ensure that it is what they require.

  3. Conditions

a) The price is based on normal working hours, Monday to Friday, unless otherwise stated.

b) Prices do not include any charges made by the supply authority unless otherwise stated.

c) All possible care will be taken in carrying out the work, which may include plasterwork made good to the original finish and floorboards and access panels screwed back. However, it does not include redecoration. Please also see section 8. Working in your home.

  4. Variations

a) Unless otherwise stated in the estimate or quotation, all variations in labor and/or material costs subsequent to the date of the estimate or quotation may be passed on to the client.

b) Variations or additional work required shall be detailed by the client as early as possible. Ideally, this will enable a price variation to be prepared and accepted. Instructions for work to proceed, before such acceptance, shall be required in writing and taken to mean acceptance of charges on a time and materials basis. Should variations be necessary and the client not available while work is carried out in conjunction with other tradesmen, the work will be carried out in the manner ROK Electrics Ltd considers to best solve the problems, and this will be chargeable unless expressly forbidden by the client in writing.

c) We understand that our work may need to be coordinated with other trades, and where possible, we will endeavor to accommodate any changes that occur to the overall schedule. Where delays occur, which are likely to cause a significant impact to the estimated cost we have provided, we will advise you at the earliest opportunity and discuss the mitigation strategies that we believe are necessary, which may incur additional costs.

  5. Payment

a) Unless otherwise stated in the estimate or quotation, payment shall be due on receipt of the invoice, which shall be submitted on completion of work.

b) Should the period of work be extended, monthly invoices for work done and materials supplied or specially ordered and held will be submitted. Payment of these shall be due on receipt of the invoice.

c) Any issues regarding an invoice, including its contents or total, should be identified within the payment terms or within 30 days, whichever is the shortest.

d) Materials supplied shall remain the property of ROK Electrics Ltd until paid in full.

  6. Time of Completion

ROK Electrics Ltd shall endeavor to carry out the work in accordance with the dates specified on the estimate or quotation, or if no dates are specified, within a reasonable period of time. However, ROK Electrics Ltd cannot be held responsible for any losses, damage, or increase in cost due to delays beyond the control of ROK Electrics Ltd.

  6. Guarantee

a) ROK Electrics Ltd undertakes to carry out the work to a standard at least in accordance with relevant regulations in force at the time.

b) The completed work will carry a 10-year guarantee against faulty workmanship or installation materials. Electronic devices, fittings, luminaries, and appliances are excluded from this warranty but will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty for a minimum of one year. No guarantee is provided on materials or other items supplied directly by the customer.

c) ROK Electrics Ltd shall not be liable for damage from external sources affecting the installation or any form of misuse.

d) ROK Electrics Ltd shall not be liable for damage or loss caused by any third parties to the installation works that we have undertaken or will be undertaking as part of the scope of work.

e) ROK Electrics Ltd shall not be responsible for any losses incurred by the client using equipment before the handover on completion of work.

f) The implementation of this guarantee shall only be carried out by ROK Electrics Ltd’s staff or persons instructed by ROK Electrics Ltd. No responsibility is accepted for repairs or alterations effected by anybody else.

  7. Working in Your Home

a) We aim to leave our Hindhead offices soon after 8.30 am and arrive at the site by 9.00 am. We generally take a short break mid-morning and mid-afternoon, with a 30-minute break at lunchtime. We aim to leave the site between 5.00 pm and 5.30 pm, depending on circumstances. If we need to work later than this time, we will confirm that this is convenient with you in good time.

b) We will usually need to use your electricity for power tools and other equipment. During the course of undertaking the work, we may need to turn off some or all of the electrical systems in the property. If the work involves testing, fault finding, or a periodic inspection, this may be quite frequent, especially during the testing part of the work. We will always advise you in advance, where possible, before turning the supply off. There may be circumstances where the system is accidentally tripped, in which case, power will be restored as quickly as possible. If any equipment is either delicate or of great importance, e.g., medical equipment, please advise us before commencement of work.

c) We will often have to bring tools and materials onto the site. Please let the team on site know which route is best for us to use or any areas that we should avoid. Please ensure, wherever possible and practical, that valuables are removed from the area we are working in to avoid damage. If you know we will have to lift carpets, please ensure that furniture is either removed in advance or is easily movable to another nearby area. We will refit the carpet as best we can, but please note that we are not professional carpet fitters, and you may wish to independently contract specialists upon completion to re-stretch the carpets after they have been lifted.

d) The amount of mess we will make will depend entirely on the type of work involved. Anything that involves cutting into walls, floors, or ceilings will make a mess, and we will endeavour to use dust sheets wherever possible and vacuum up afterward. However, there may be residual dust. Please note that unless specifically included in our estimate, redecorating is not included in our scope of work.


By accepting our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ROK Electrics Ltd for clarification before proceeding with the work.

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